10 UX Designer CV Examples for 2024 | Resume Worded (2024)

Table of Contents
Template 1 of 10: UX Designer (User Experience Designer) CV Example Tips to help you write your UX Designer (User Experience Designer) CV in 2024 Skills you can include on your UX Designer (User Experience Designer) CV Template 2 of 10: UX Designer (User Experience Designer) CV Example Tips to help you write your UX Designer (User Experience Designer) CV in 2024 Skills you can include on your UX Designer (User Experience Designer) CV Template 3 of 10: Senior UX Designer CV Example Tips to help you write your Senior UX Designer CV in 2024 Skills you can include on your Senior UX Designer CV Template 4 of 10: Senior UX Designer CV Example Tips to help you write your Senior UX Designer CV in 2024 Skills you can include on your Senior UX Designer CV Template 5 of 10: Entry Level UX Designer CV Example Tips to help you write your Entry Level UX Designer CV in 2024 Skills you can include on your Entry Level UX Designer CV Template 6 of 10: Entry Level UX Designer CV Example Tips to help you write your Entry Level UX Designer CV in 2024 Skills you can include on your Entry Level UX Designer CV Template 7 of 10: UI / UX Designer CV Example Tips to help you write your UI / UX Designer CV in 2024 Skills you can include on your UI / UX Designer CV Template 8 of 10: UI / UX Designer CV Example Tips to help you write your UI / UX Designer CV in 2024 Skills you can include on your UI / UX Designer CV Template 9 of 10: UX Engineer (Usability Engineer) CV Example Tips to help you write your UX Engineer (Usability Engineer) CV in 2024 Skills you can include on your UX Engineer (Usability Engineer) CV Template 10 of 10: UX Engineer (Usability Engineer) CV Example Tips to help you write your UX Engineer (Usability Engineer) CV in 2024 Skills you can include on your UX Engineer (Usability Engineer) CV Skills For UX Designer Resumes Skills Word Cloud For UX Designer CVs Action Verbs For UX Designer Resumes Resume Bullet Points From UX Designer CV Other Design Resumes Architecture Game Design Graphic Designer References

In the world of UX design, your CV is like a wireframe of your skillset: clean, concise, and well-designed to showcase key features. After all, UX (user experience) designers are in the business of creating user-friendly interfaces. With the key role of simplifying complexity and transforming the abstract into concrete, it's no surprise that recruiters want a resume that mirrors these skills.

A typical UX designer starts from a background in digital arts or computer science, progressively honing their crafting skills and studying user behaviour. Yet, the evolving landscape, especially the predicted trend of combining UX Design with AI in 2023-2024, demands an even richer synthesis of hard and soft skills. Entering 2024, expect a deeper focus on empathy, adaptability, and human-centred design.

Now, about the CV versus resume debate. For UX designers, this is merely a matter of terminology. In the UK, Europe, and Australia, you'll often hear the term "CV", while Americans prefer "resume". But in the UX industry, these are interchangeable. Traditional CVs might have been longer and more comprehensive, but simply put, here, your CV should be a crisp, 1-2 page document showcasing your skillset and experience, no different to a resume.

In this article, we'll walk you through the UX Designer CV that keeps up with trends and expectations in 2024. We'll whoosh you past common pitfalls, guide you on which skills to highlight, and even peek at some CV templates that can help you stand tall in a stack of applications. As a hiring manager, I assure you, these insights could be a game-changer for landing that coveted UX designer role.

Jump to a template:

  • UX Designer (User Experience Designer)
  • Senior UX Designer
  • Entry Level UX Designer
  • UI / UX Designer
  • UX Engineer (Usability Engineer)
  • Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for UX Designer CVs
  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Bullet Points on UX Designer CVs
  • Related Design CVs
  • Similar Careers to a UX Designer
  • UX Designer Resume Examples
  • Template 1 of 10: UX Designer (User Experience Designer) CV Example

    UX Designers are the architects of the digital world, crafting seamless interfaces and intuitive interactions. It's a role that's as much about understanding human behaviour as it is about technical precision. The industry is rapidly evolving with a shift towards designing for diverse users, including factors like accessibility, inclusion, and seamless integration of AI technologies. A CV for this role should reflect not only your technical prowess but your adaptability and understanding of these trends. Crafting a CV for a UX Designer role isn't just about listing your skills and experience - it's about telling a story of how you use these to create impactful user experiences.

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    Tips to help you write your UX Designer (User Experience Designer) CV in 2024

    Showcase your design process

    As a UX Designer, your potential employers must understand the steps you take to reach a final design decision. Detail your approach to each stage of the design process, from user research and wireframing to prototyping and user testing.


    Provide detailed project examples

    Rather than just listing the projects you've worked on, delve into specifics. Describe the challenge at hand, your role in the project, the solutions you devised, and most importantly, the impact your design had on the user experience.

    Also see: How to List Projects on a Resume


    Skills you can include on your UX Designer (User Experience Designer) CV



      User Experience (UX)

      User Experience Testing

      User Experience Design (UED)

      Rapid Prototyping


      Interaction Design

      Sketch App

    Template 2 of 10: UX Designer (User Experience Designer) CV Example

    UX Designers have a unique role in shaping how a user interacts with a product. They're the bridge between the user's needs and the technical aspects of design. The industry is constantly evolving, so staying current on the latest UX principles, tools, and methodologies is key. When preparing your CV, remember that you're not just another designer—you're the user's advocate. Reflect this in your content, showcasing your ability to empathize with users and solve their problems. And, with companies now recognizing the value of a great user experience, demonstrate how your work has improved business outcomes.

    For a UX Designer, your CV isn't just a document—it's a showcase of your design skills. Make it engaging and user-friendly, mirroring the kind of work you do. A clean, intuitive layout is as important as the content within, as it reflects your ability to present information in an accessible manner. Also, remember to link to your portfolio or case studies. These provide tangible evidence of your UX design skills; they show your process, your ability to think critically and your problem-solving capabilities.

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    Tips to help you write your UX Designer (User Experience Designer) CV in 2024

    Showcase your problem-solving skills

    As a UX Designer, your job is to solve user problems. Use your CV to show how you've done this in the past. Describe projects where you've identified a user issue, how you used data to support your findings, and the solutions you proposed.

    Also see: How To List Problem Solving Skills on a Resume


    Detail your methodologies and tools

    Be specific about the UX methodologies you've used, such as user research, persona creation, user testing, or prototyping. Also, mention the tools you're proficient in, like Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD. This detailed information will indicate your level of expertise.

    Also see: Good With Computers? Here’s How To Put it on Your Resume


    Skills you can include on your UX Designer (User Experience Designer) CV

      Axure RP

      Design Thinking

      User Experience (UX)

      User Interface Design

      Sketch App

      Rapid Prototyping



      Adobe Illustrator

    Template 3 of 10: Senior UX Designer CV Example

    In today's world, a Senior UX Designer is akin to a story weaver, creating engaging and intuitive experiences for users. You'll have to chart a course between business goals and user needs, solving complex design challenges along the way. As for your CV, it's the key that unlocks the conversation with potential employers. It's become more common for UX Designers to include links to their portfolio and case studies, moving away from a strictly traditional CV. This shift mirrors the demand for demonstrated skills over lengthy job descriptions.

    In the ever-evolving tech industry, a Senior UX Designer’s role is less about ticking boxes and more about adaptability and growth. Companies value candidates who are keen on personal development, as well as those who can demonstrate their ability to keep up with the latest UX trends. So, when crafting your CV, don't just talk about what you've done - talk about what you've learned and how you've grown in the process.

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    Tips to help you write your Senior UX Designer CV in 2024

    Showcase your impact and achievements

    Don't just list the projects you worked on. Instead, provide brief but powerful examples of what you achieved in those projects. Did you create a design that helped increase user engagement by a specific percentage? Share such quantitative accomplishments to showcase your real-world impact.

    Also see: How To Use the STAR Method To Write the Perfect Resume


    Provide context for your design decisions

    Explain why you chose specific design solutions. This will showcase your problem-solving skills and how you approach UX design challenges. Displaying your thought process and how you utilize user research to guide your designs can set you apart from the competition.


    Skills you can include on your Senior UX Designer CV

    Template 4 of 10: Senior UX Designer CV Example

    As a Senior UX Designer, you're the maestro conducting an orchestra of design elements to create an intuitive, user-friendly experience. Your CV should reflect your mastery of this role, showcasing your ability to combine research, design, and strategy to deliver delightful user experiences. Recently, the industry has seen an uptick in demand for expertise in data-driven design approaches and an understanding of AI-driven UX tools. More and more organizations are looking for Senior UX Designers who can infuse human-centered design with these trend-setting technologies. When crafting your CV, it'd help to remember that it's not just about design. It's also about demonstrating your ability to empathize with users and drive business outcomes through improved UX design.

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    Tips to help you write your Senior UX Designer CV in 2024

    Include UX-focused metrics

    You've likely driven real, quantifiable changes in your past roles. Include metrics that demonstrate the impact of your designs, whether you increased user engagement, boosted conversion rates, or reduced user churn. These numbers communicate your worth as a results-focused Senior UX Designer.

    Also see: How to Write Resume Bullets That Get Interviews


    Showcase your proficiency with the latest UX tools

    Your CV should speak volumes about your familiarity with the newest UX design software and tools, like Figma and Adobe XD. Mention any AI-driven UX tools you've worked with too. This not only shows your deftness in using industry-standard tools but also your commitment to staying current in a rapidly evolving field.

    Also see: Essential Components of Your Skills Section


    Skills you can include on your Senior UX Designer CV

      Design Thinking

      Adobe Creative Suite


      Visual Design



      Interaction Design

      User Experience Testing

      Usability Testing

    Template 5 of 10: Entry Level UX Designer CV Example

    As someone entering the dynamic world of UX Design, you'll be working to create intuitive, interactive digital experiences. The industry is seeing a surge in the demand for fresh perspectives that can create unique, user-centered designs. When crafting your CV, it's essential you convey your familiarity with design principles, and showcase your ability to prototype, wireframe, and utilize relevant design software. Most recruiters want to see evidence of your skills, so don't shy away from including any relevant projects or internships you've completed. Demonstrating your adaptability and eagerness to learn would be a valuable addition.

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    Tips to help you write your Entry Level UX Designer CV in 2024

    Show proficiency in UX design tools

    Ensure your CV lists the design tools you're comfortable with, such as Sketch, Adobe XD, or InVision. They're a crucial part of a UX designer's toolkit, and companies like seeing you can hit the ground running.

    Also see: Essential Components of Your Skills Section


    Exhibit problem-solving skills

    UX design is all about problem-solving. Describe a problem you have encountered during your study, internship or personal projects, and how you used UX design principles to solve it. This will show your practical application of these principles.

    Also see: How To List Problem Solving Skills on a Resume


    Skills you can include on your Entry Level UX Designer CV

      Usability Testing

      UX Research

      Design Thinking

      User Interface Design

      Information Architecture

      Axure RP

      Adobe Creative Suite

      User-centered Design


    Template 6 of 10: Entry Level UX Designer CV Example

    Stepping into the world of UX design is exciting, especially when you’re starting off as an entry-level designer. This dynamic field is all about creating seamless user interfaces and enhancing user experiences, so your CV should directly reflect your capabilities. Industry trends are veering towards mobile-first design and voice-user interfaces, so make sure you're up to speed and showcasing relevant skills. When crafting your CV, remember to display how you've used your skills to solve real-world problems.

    In a sea of applicants, you need to stand out. Therefore, your CV should not just be a list of skills and experiences. Instead, it should tell a compelling story of your journey into UX design, your passion and your potential to grow.

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    Tips to help you write your Entry Level UX Designer CV in 2024

    Include a portfolio link

    Including a link to your online portfolio can be a game-changer. It gives hiring managers direct insight into your work. Your application should tell the story of your skills and your portfolio should show how you've applied them in various projects.

    Also see: What to Include in Your Resume Header


    Demonstrate problem-solving skills

    In the UX design field, you're a problem solver. Include specific examples where you've identified a user's problem and designed a solution. This could be a class project, an internship, or even a personal project.

    Also see: How To List Problem Solving Skills on a Resume


    Skills you can include on your Entry Level UX Designer CV

      Sketch App

      UX Research

      Adobe Illustrator

      Interaction Design

      User Experience (UX)

      Information Architecture

      User Interface Design

      Graphic Design

      User Experience Testing

    Template 7 of 10: UI / UX Designer CV Example

    As a UI/UX Designer, you occupy a unique space in the tech industry, one where creativity and functionality intertwine. The blend of psychology, design, technology, and user testing makes your role integral to product development. Recent trends in the sector highlight the growing importance of human-centered design and data-driven decisions. This should reflect on your CV. It's essential to marry your design aesthetics with clear presentation of your problem-solving skills and outcomes of your work. Remember, your CV functions as a ticket to an interview, not an exhaustive list of your achievements. It should be concise, yet informative, offering a snapshot of your competencies and the value you can add to an employer.

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    Tips to help you write your UI / UX Designer CV in 2024

    Show your problem-solving approach

    Don't just list software you are proficient in or projects you've done. Provide examples of times you've solved users' problems through your designs. Explain the problem, your role, process, and the impact of your solution on the user experience.

    Also see: How To List Problem Solving Skills on a Resume


    Display your understanding of UX metrics

    Demonstrating that you know how to measure user experience can give you an edge. Include a few examples of how you've used metrics like task success rate, error rate, abandonment rate, or user satisfaction scores to drive design improvements.

    Also see: How to Write Resume Bullets That Get Interviews


    Skills you can include on your UI / UX Designer CV

      User Interface Design



      User-centered Design

      Web Design


      Visual Design

      Axure RP

      User Experience Design (UED)

    Template 8 of 10: UI / UX Designer CV Example

    As a UI / UX designer, your creativity fuels your work. However, your CV needs to be more methodical and evidence-based. While UI / UX is a dynamic field that keeps changing with tech advancements and shifting user needs, don't lose sight of the fact that employers appreciate design solutions grounded in user research and data. Given the increasing automation in this field, showcasing expertise in prototyping tools that enable rapid iteration, like Sketch or Figma, is crucial. Additionally, as design thinking is becoming an organisational philosophy, your ability to work cross-functionally and empathise with various stakeholders is valued.

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    Tips to help you write your UI / UX Designer CV in 2024

    Showcase problem-solving approach

    A UI/UX designer’s CV shouldn’t just be a list of achievements or skills. Instead, use your CV to demonstrate your problem-solving approach. Focus on a few projects, explain the challenge, your role, the process you adopted, and the impact of your design.

    Also see: How To List Problem Solving Skills on a Resume


    Include a link to your portfolio

    Linking to your online portfolio is non-negotiable. However, just including the link isn't enough. Briefly indicate what a potential employer will see there - prototypes you've developed, different design stages, user testing insights and so on.

    Also see: What to Include in Your Resume Header


    Skills you can include on your UI / UX Designer CV

      Graphic Design



      Information Architecture

      Sketch App

      Web Design

      Visual Design

      Usability Testing

      User Experience Testing

    Template 9 of 10: UX Engineer (Usability Engineer) CV Example

    As a UX (User Experience) Engineer, or Usability Engineer, you ensure the functionality and efficiency of websites and applications. Your CV needs to reflect this intersection of technical skills and user insight. Remember, your CV should demonstrate an understanding of user-centered design principles and effective problem-solving strategies. In recent years, there's been a shift towards more specialized UX roles, making it even more important to show depth in your skills and projects. The hiring managers will be looking for your ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams and how you've taken concepts from ideas to successful execution. It's all about impact and the user experience.

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    Tips to help you write your UX Engineer (Usability Engineer) CV in 2024

    Showcase your technical skillsets

    As a UX engineer, you're expected to have a good grounding in both front-end development and design. In your CV, ensure you outline your skills in HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and design software like Sketch or Adobe XD. Also include any experience in wireframing, prototyping, and usability testing.

    Also see: Find Hard Skills To Include In Your Resume


    Document your real-world project experience

    Real-world experience can be a significant advantage in landing a UX engineering role. In your CV, detail specific projects you've worked on, the problems you solved, and what the outcomes were. Make sure to articulate your role, the design process you followed, and how the result improved the user experience.

    Also see: How to List Projects on a Resume


    Skills you can include on your UX Engineer (Usability Engineer) CV

      User-centered Design


      Rapid Prototyping

      User Experience Testing

      Axure RP

      User Experience Design (UED)

      UX Research


      Adobe Illustrator

    Template 10 of 10: UX Engineer (Usability Engineer) CV Example

    As a UX Engineer, your role is a blend of technical skills and design sensibilities. You bridge the gap between design and technology, ensuring the user-centric designs are feasible, functional, and efficient. Recently, industry trends show a rising demand for UX Engineers who can work with AI, machine learning, and voice UI technologies. So, when crafting your CV, consider how your skills align with these demands. Show a genuine understanding of the user-centric approach, and how you use this to influence your technical decisions.

    However, don't skew too much toward the tech side. Remember, you're applying for a job that's equally about usability. Adopting a user's perspective throughout your CV can make a significant impact. Talk about how you've used your skills to create a seamless, intuitive user experience, not just how you've wielded your technical expertise.

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    Tips to help you write your UX Engineer (Usability Engineer) CV in 2024

    Show proficiency in key UX technologies

    In your skills section include the software, programming languages, and digital tools you’ve used as a UX Engineer. Mention specific platforms like Sketch, Figma, HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. But beyond listing them, demonstrate how you’ve utilized these tools in a project to enhance user experience.

    Also see: Essential Components of Your Skills Section


    Showcase your design process

    A UX Engineer's CV needs to detail the design methodologies used in your work. Discuss your familiarity with Agile or Lean UX practices. In your experience section, talk about how you implement these processes to optimize usability and maintain design integrity across all stages of a project.


    Skills you can include on your UX Engineer (Usability Engineer) CV

      Adobe Illustrator

      Sketch App

      Rapid Prototyping


      Information Architecture

      User-centered Design

      Interaction Design

      Usability Testing

      UX Research

    Skills For UX Designer Resumes

    To land a job as a UX Designer, your CV should tell the story of your skills. You're a problem-solver at heart. Playing with things until they feel 'right' is your game. You should highlight this through examples in your CV. Let's say you developed a project using Adobe Creative Suite - showcase it. Include it as a bullet point under 'Work Experience.'

    Recruiters put your CV through a software filter known as an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) before they even see it. So, you need to mirror the job description. Spot the key skills they're asking for, then make sure you've got them in your Skills section. If they call for teamwork or problem-solving skills, note how you've put those skills into use.

    Your CV is your stage. So, shine a spotlight on your skills and work magic with your words. Prove that you've got the UX Designer chops. Get crafty with it, and you'll nail that first hurdle.

    • Design Thinking
    • InVision
    • User Experience Testing
    • User Experience (UX)
    • Usability
    • User-centered Design
    • Rapid Prototyping
    • Adobe Illustrator
    • Sketch App
    • Interaction Design
    • Wireframing
    • UX Research
    • Adobe Creative Suite
    • User Experience Design (UED)
    • Usability Testing
    • User Interface Design
    • Information Architecture
    • Visual Design
    • Prototyping
    • Axure RP
    • Graphic Design
    • Web Design

    For more skills, visit .

    Skills Word Cloud For UX Designer CVs

    This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on UX Designer job descriptions and CVs. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

    10 UX Designer CV Examples for 2024 | Resume Worded (31)

    Action Verbs For UX Designer Resumes

    One key skill in UX design is speaking the language of action - making things work and happen. This comes to life with the right action verbs on your CV. These "doing" words paint a clear picture of your abilities, highlight your design power, and reflect your capability to create engaging user experiences.

    For instance, instead of stating you "worked on user interface designs," try "transformed user interface designs." See the difference? The latter shows your action, your impact. Or instead of saying you "did user testing," use "conducted user testing." This emphasizes your active involvement in the process.

    So, when you're crafting your CV remember to use action verbs. They echo your UX work, presenting to hiring managers not just what you did, but how you made things better in the digital world.

    • Designed
    • Developed
    • Implemented
    • Tested
    • Improved
    • Optimized
    • Sketched
    • Wireframed
    • Prototyped
    • Validated
    • Conducted
    • Analyzed
    • Interpreted
    • Collaborated
    • Created
    • Streamlined
    • Launched
    • Managed
    • Evaluated
    • Demonstrated
    • Organized
    • Researched
    • Innovated
    • Synthesized.

    For a full list of effective CV action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs.

    Resume Bullet Points From UX Designer CV

    You should use bullet points to describe your achievements in your UX Designer CV. Here are sample bullet points to help you get started:

    Led complete redesign of the checkout process which resulted in an 8% increase in conversion and an uplift in average order value from $28 to $35

    Reduced signup drop-offs from 65% to 15%, increased user-engagement by 40%, and boosted content generation by 15%, through a combination of user interviews and A/B-testing-driven product flow optimization

    Designed online customer support center comprising of a self-service knowledge base and interactive chat; reduced customer support calls by 45%

    Designed and implemented behavioral push notifications based on in-app usage; increased retention by 10%

    Redesigned company's homepage and lead generation forms using only existing site components; reduced bounce rates by 40% and increased leads by 15%

    For more sample bullet points and details on how to write effective bullet points, see our articles on resume bullet points, how to quantify your resume and resume accomplishments.

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  • 10 UX Designer CV Examples for 2024 | Resume Worded (2024)


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    Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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    Name: Prof. An Powlowski

    Birthday: 1992-09-29

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    Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.