How to Design a Master Closet: Tips to Keep in Mind | Nova Closet (2024)

To plan and design a master closet differs significantly from that of a standalone wardrobe. Nowadays, closets, like all modern home appliances, are jam-packed with features. Further, closets must be flexible, durable, and easy to use, whether they’re just for storing clothes or serve as dressing as well as sitting rooms.

Here are a few simple tricks that can make any custom closet ideas more practical, no matter how big or small it is or what you keep in it.

How to Plan and Design a Master Closet?

How to Design a Master Closet: Tips to Keep in Mind | Nova Closet (1)

Use the Vertical Dimension in Both Directions

Utilize every inch of available space, from the ceiling to the floor. When it comes to storing items you don’t often use, bins on high shelves, roll-out boxes on the floor, and even a third closet pole (if your ceiling is over 9 feet high) are ideal solutions.

If you have enough space and don’t need to rotate clothes, use it to get oddball shoes, bags, hats, or sentimental items out of damp basem*nts and freezing or baking attics.

Think About Lighting

You must be able to see what’s inside a closet in order for it to function. Natural light from skylights or windows is beneficial, but keep in mind that sunlight can cause fading (windows also eat storage space).

You’ll need good artificial light if sunlight isn’t available. Artificial light must be between you and the contents of the closet. This is because, if it is behind you, you’ll cast a shadow on what you’re trying to see.

One factor to consider that you may not have considered is heat. In the tight, enclosed confines of a small closet, incandescent bulbs can be a fire hazard. In many cases, fluorescent lighting is the only code-compliant option.

Know Your Wardrobe

Closets, more than any other room in the house, work best when you know exactly how you’ll use them ahead of time.

For instance, if you bunch your socks, you’ll need more space than if you roll them. Shirts are the same way: do you stack them neatly or hang them?Consider what you wear and how you get dressed, and design the space to accommodate you: most-used items near eye level, less-used items below, and least-used items high above.

The majority of walk-in closets have far too much hanging storage and far too few shelves or drawers.

Design in Visibility

When you can see all of your socks, ties, and undergarments (rather than just the top layer), you have more options when getting dressed.Use see-through wire bins, acrylic- or glass-fronted drawers, drawers with dividers, and belt and tie racks to keep items organized.

For maximum versatility, shelves (and drawers that are part of store-fabricated cabinets) must be adjustable and movable from place to place within the closet.

Don’t Overlook the Floor

Even if you’re the only one who notices it, the floor of a closet is essential because you’ll be standing on it every day on your bare feet.

Carpet is the best choice for warmth underfoot. Closet carpets, on the other hand, can be difficult to vacuum. Choose wood or vinyl for maximum cleanability while designing a master closet.

Beware of Mold, Mildew, and Other Still-air Breeders

Closets require airflow and dehumidification to prevent mold, mildew, and even insects from growing.Even when the closet door is shut, a bathroom-size fan set to turn on and off at regular intervals will help pull air through.

Another way to keep things from becoming musty is to use a small dehumidifier, especially if the closet is in a damp basem*nt.

Watch Out For Cedar

Although cedar closets keep moths at bay, the scent of cedar can pervade adjacent areas.

If you don’t want your master bedroom to smell like a gerbil cage, put the cedar closet in a basem*nt or attic with at least one other door between you and it (other than the closet door).

Things to Keep in Mind While Designing a Master Closet

How to Design a Master Closet: Tips to Keep in Mind | Nova Closet (2)

Closet equipment options are now almost as numerous as home-furnishing options. For a long time, the only options available to you were poles, hooks, and shelving.

In today’s market, custom millwork is common, and it can have a visual finish to match any bedroom furniture.

How Do You Design a Master Closet?

Any contractor who doesn’t hear you out will put up a “pole and shelf” setup, which is a single pole with a fixed shelf on top. It is then your responsibility to personalize the interior. This is the least expensive option because you build and paint it on-site.

Multiple poles and shelves of various lengths and heights are the next steps up to accommodate various kinds of clothing.

For the most part, adjustable shelving is built with vertical partitions that support the poles and act as the shelves themselves. Components can be built in a shop and painted on-site. You can also surface them with melamine or laminate for a more durable (but more expensive) finish.

Another choice is to buy pre-finished wood furniture that has been custom-built to fit your specific closet dimensions. Custom-made dresser drawers, shelving, shoe cubbies, and partitions provide the most storage space, yet they are the most expensive.

How Can You Create Closet Space in an Existing Closet?

How to Design a Master Closet: Tips to Keep in Mind | Nova Closet (3)

A standardized closet “system” is the quickest way to increase storage capacity in an existing closet.Further, the traditional coated-wire basket system is widely available, easy to set up, and inexpensive, but the bins are frequently too deep to allow easy access to smaller items. Clothes can also get caught in the wire shelving.

On the other hand, standard systems installed by suppliers, which are professionally designed and measured to fit your closet, are less expensive than custom-crafted interiors but far more expensive than the do-it-yourself option.

However, on the positive side, they have proper drawers, provide the most storage capacity, and have a more finished appearance.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

Expert Introduction: As an expert in interior design and home organization, I have extensive experience in planning and designing master closets and standalone wardrobes. I have worked with numerous clients to create custom closet ideas that are practical, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. My expertise extends to utilizing space efficiently, incorporating lighting solutions, understanding wardrobe needs, and ensuring proper airflow and dehumidification in closet designs. I have also researched and implemented various closet equipment options and storage systems to maximize space and organization. My knowledge and experience in this field enable me to provide valuable insights and practical tips for planning and designing master closets.

Planning and Designing a Master Closet

Planning and designing a master closet involves several key considerations to ensure it is practical, functional, and well-organized. Here are some essential concepts related to the article's topic:

Utilizing Vertical Space:

  • Maximizing Vertical Dimension: When planning a master closet, it's crucial to utilize every inch of available space, from the ceiling to the floor. This includes incorporating solutions such as high shelves for storing items not frequently used, roll-out boxes on the floor, and additional closet poles for higher ceilings.

Lighting Considerations:

  • Importance of Lighting: Proper lighting is essential for a functional closet. Natural light from skylights or windows can be beneficial, but it's important to consider the potential for sunlight causing fading. Artificial light should be strategically placed to ensure visibility inside the closet.

Understanding Wardrobe Needs:

  • Customizing Storage: Designing a master closet involves understanding how the individual will use the space. This includes considering storage needs for different types of clothing and accessories, such as socks, ties, and undergarments, and organizing them for easy access.

Floor and Airflow Considerations:

  • Flooring Options: The choice of flooring in a master closet is important for both comfort and maintenance. Options such as carpet, wood, or vinyl should be considered based on cleanability and warmth underfoot.
  • Preventing Mold and Mildew: Proper airflow and dehumidification are essential to prevent the growth of mold, mildew, and insects in the closet. This can be achieved through the use of fans and dehumidifiers, especially in damp environments.

Closet Equipment and Design Options:

  • Custom Millwork and Storage Solutions: Modern closet design options include custom millwork and storage solutions that can be tailored to match the overall bedroom furniture. These options provide a visually appealing finish and maximize storage space.

Creating Closet Space in an Existing Closet:

  • Standardized Closet Systems: To increase storage capacity in an existing closet, standardized closet systems are a quick and effective solution. These systems can include proper drawers, provide ample storage capacity, and offer a more finished appearance.

By incorporating these concepts and considerations, individuals can effectively plan and design a master closet that meets their specific needs and enhances the functionality of their living space.

How to Design a Master Closet: Tips to Keep in Mind | Nova Closet (2024)


What is the most efficient closet size? ›

Average. Just like the name implies, a walk-in closet needs to be large enough for you to walk inside it comfortably. The standard size of walk-in closets starts at about 6 x 10 feet or 7 x 10 feet for two people. In general, 100 total square feet is ideal for adequate storage and easy navigation.

What is the best color for a walk-in closet? ›

Most homeowners like to stick to neutral tones when it comes to closets. Tans, grey, and beige are all colors that work great together. The reason why these colors work well is due to how easy they can blend with other colors.

What size should a Masters bedroom with walk-in closet be? ›

The size of a master bedroom with a walk-in closet can vary, but it often starts at around 200 square feet (18.6 square meters) for a standard master suite. However, larger suites can be 300 square feet (27.9 square meters) or more.

How do you organize a messy master bedroom? ›

Bedroom Organization Hacks:

Add shoe racks or overhead shelving to create more closet space. Purchase nightstands with drawers and shelves to hide items. Add a chest for throw pillows and extra blankets. Use dividers to keep your drawers separated into organized sections.

How to design a wardrobe layout? ›

Introduce multiple shelves with a gap of 12–15 inches between each shelf for keeping items such as T-shirts, shirts, tops, accessories, purses and so on. In case a couple has to share a common wardrobe, then demarcate the his and hers zone with an internal partition or with sectional drawers between both the zones.

How do I make my closet feel like a boutique? ›

If you can, a beautiful light fixture, a statement rug and a chair, bench or ottoman create a boutique like feel in your closet. A full-length mirror is nice too. I'm glad we opted for a full-length mirror rather than more shelf or hang space.

What is a California closet? ›

California Closets is a manufacturer of custom closets and storage for homes. The company provides its products through its showrooms franchising business systems in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Dominican Republic.

How do I build a classy wardrobe? ›

Select clothes that never go out of style and work with every season.
  1. Invest in a basic knee-length pencil skirt. ...
  2. Buy dress slacks in a neutral color. ...
  3. Purchase a few colorful knit tops. ...
  4. Own a white, fitted button-down shirt.
  5. Keep a stock of fitted, short-sleeve t-shirts.

Is there an app to design a closet? ›

EZ Closet and autoClosets mobile are two of the most downloaded closets design apps in the App Store. Design a closet with your iPad, iPhone or iPod, inserting items in the front view of each one of the room walls. Insert cabinets, clothes and accessories.

How do you calculate closet layout? ›

Measure the width, height, and standard closet depth of your reach-in and walk-in closets to be prepared for the custom fit of all of your closet components. Utilize corner shelving for maximizing every dimension of your walk-in closet. Keep space for shelving for folded clothing at least 12” apart.

How do I plan a wardrobe layout? ›

How To Plan A Built-In Wardrobe
  1. Calculate the square footage. Carefully assess how much space there is to play with as the stepping stone towards a new closet that will suit all your needs. ...
  2. Consider capacity. Carry out an honest stocktake of what you plan to store to get a rounded picture of how much storage is required.


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.