Turkish Bread Recipe (2024)

Turkish Bread, also known as “Bazlama”, is a staple in Turkish and Middle Eastern cuisine. It’s hard not to fall in love with its soft texture, slightly chewy crust, and subtle flavour. It’s an essential part of many dishes in the region, often used as a scoop for dips like hummus or served alongside grilled meats.

Believed to have originated in Turkey, it has since found its way across many cultures, adapting and evolving in every kitchen. Turkish Bread showcases the beauty of simple ingredients coming together. It’s a testament to the art of bread-making and the cultural importance of bread in the Middle Eastern culinary landscape.

Now, some might wonder about the difficulty of making Turkish Bread. Let me assure you, while it might seem daunting, especially to beginners, with the right instructions, and a little patience, you’ll find it’s quite doable.

The key lies in the kneading and allowing the dough to rise, which gives it that characteristic soft and fluffy texture.

Like most recipes, Turkish Bread also has several variations. Some like to add a hint of sweetness, while others prefer a more savoury flavour. The choice of flour can also differ. While the recipe provided here uses plain flour, some might opt for whole wheat or even a combination of flour.

Olive oil, an ingredient in the recipe, not only adds to the flavour but also gives the bread a distinct texture. The addition of milk, on the other hand, gives it a rich and creamy touch.

In terms of serving, Turkish Bread is incredibly versatile. While it pairs beautifully with hummus, it’s also great with other dips like tzatziki, baba ganoush, or even some spicy salsa.

The beauty of Turkish Bread is that it can seamlessly fit into any meal, be it breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even a quick snack.

if you haven’t yet tried making Turkish Bread at home, it’s high time you do. Its rich history, simplicity, and versatility make it a must-have in every kitchen. And trust me, once you start, there’s no looking back. Enjoy your culinary journey with Turkish Bread!

What Ingredients to Use & Why

When it comes to the magical world of bread-making, ingredients are everything. They not only impart flavour but also determine the texture and appearance of the bread.

Turkish Bread, with its soft insides and slightly crispy crust, is a testament to this. The beauty of this bread lies in its simplicity. Let’s dive deep into the ingredients that make Turkish Bread so special.

Plain Flour: Flour is the backbone of any bread recipe. Plain flour, also known as all-purpose flour, gives the bread its structure. It has the right gluten content to make our Turkish Bread soft yet slightly chewy.

If you’re looking to experiment, you can substitute it with whole wheat flour for a denser texture and a nutty flavour.

Salt: This little ingredient does wonders. Salt doesn’t just enhance the flavour; it also strengthens the gluten structure, giving the bread a better texture. Without it, the bread might taste flat. If you’re watching your salt intake, opt for a reduced-sodium salt.

Yeast: The magical ingredient that makes the bread rise. Yeast ferments the sugars in the dough, producing carbon dioxide, which in turn makes the bread light and fluffy. If you can’t find regular yeast, instant yeast is a good alternative. Remember, always check the expiration date for the best results.

Milk: Milk enriches the bread, giving it a tender crumb and a beautiful golden colour. It also adds a touch of sweetness. If you’re lactose intolerant or vegan, almond milk or soy milk makes for good alternatives.

Olive Oil: Olive oil adds richness, flavour, and a wonderful texture to the bread. If you want to change things up, try using coconut oil or even melted butter. Each oil brings its own unique flavour and texture to the bread.

Each ingredient in Turkish Bread has its role to play. From the structure provided by the flour to the richness of the olive oil, they all come together in a beautiful symphony to create a bread that’s truly delightful.

Whether you stick to the traditional ingredients or decide to experiment a bit, always remember, that it’s the love and care you put into the bread-making process that truly makes it special.

The Origins of Turkish Bread and Its Global Journey

I’ve always been intrigued by the history of food, and Turkish Bread, with its soft texture and slightly chewy crust, caught my attention. How did this bread, a staple in Turkish households, become a favourite in kitchens worldwide? Let’s dive into its rich history.

Turkish Bread, also known as “Baglama”, traces its roots to ancient Anatolia. This region, now modern-day Turkey, has been a melting pot of cultures for centuries.

From the Hittites to the Ottomans, each civilization brought with them their culinary influences, and bread-making was a significant part of their culture. It’s believed that Turkish Bread evolved over time, adopting the best techniques and ingredients from each era.

As traders and travellers moved along the Silk Road, they took with them Turkish Bread, introducing it to new lands. From the Middle East to Europe, its popularity grew.

By the time the Ottoman Empire expanded its territories, Turkish Bread had already set its footprint in various parts of the world. It was no longer just the Turks’ bread; it had become a global favourite.

What sets Turkish Bread apart, in my opinion, is its adaptability. While it carries its traditional essence, it easily blends with other culinary cultures. In Greece, it’s paired with tzatziki; in Israel, it’s a staple for shawarma, and in India, it’s sometimes spiced up and served with local curries.

In recent years, as global cuisines became more accessible, Turkish Bread found its way into modern cafes and restaurants. From sandwiches to pizza bases,

its versatility knows no bounds. Whether it’s a fancy brunch place in New York or a street-side cafe in Bangkok, chances are you’ll find a dish featuring this bread.

Turkish Bread’s journey from the ancient lands of Anatolia to becoming a global favourite is truly remarkable.

It’s not just bread; it’s a piece of history, a testament to the power of food in bringing cultures together. So the next time you bite into a piece of Turkish Bread, remember, that you’re savouring centuries of tradition and evolution.

The Art of Making Turkish Bread at Home

There’s something magical about making bread at home. The process of kneading the dough, the aroma of bread baking, and finally, the joy of biting into a warm, freshly baked loaf. And when it comes to Turkish Bread, the experience is even more delightful.

When I first decided to make Turkish Bread at home, I was a bit intimidated. The perfect texture, the golden crust, it all seemed too challenging. But as I delved deeper, I realized it’s all about understanding the ingredients and following the right technique.

The first step is selecting the right flour. Plain flour, or all-purpose flour as some call it, works best for Turkish Bread. It provides the right balance of softness and chewiness. If you’re feeling adventurous, mix in some whole wheat flour for a nuttier flavour.

Yeast plays a crucial role. It’s what gives the bread its characteristic rise. I learned the hard way that the water’s temperature matters. Too hot, and you’ll kill the yeast; too cold, and it won’t activate. Getting the temperature just right is crucial.

Then comes the kneading, my favourite part. There’s something therapeutic about working the dough, feeling it transform under your hands. It’s essential to get a smooth, elastic dough, which results in soft bread. If, like me, you’re not keen on manual labour, a dough mixer works just as well.

Allowing the dough to rise is a game-changer. This resting period lets the yeast do its magic, fermenting the sugars and making the dough rise. The longer you let it rest, the better the flavour. I often leave mine for an hour or so.

Baking or cooking Turkish Bread is an art in itself. It’s crucial to get the pan’s temperature right. Too hot, and the bread will burn; too cold, and it won’t cook through. Look for bubbles forming on the surface; that’s your cue to flip it.

Once you get the hang of it, making Turkish Bread at home becomes a joy. Not only do you get to enjoy fresh bread, but you also experience the rich tradition and technique behind it.

Trust me, every bite is worth the effort. So roll up those sleeves, gather your ingredients, and embark on a delightful bread-making journey!

The Versatility of Turkish Bread in Global Cuisines

When I first ventured into the realm of global cuisines, I was pleasantly surprised to see the ubiquity of Turkish Bread.

Its adaptability is truly remarkable, seamlessly fitting into various culinary landscapes, while still retaining its unique identity. Let me take you on a journey of how Turkish Bread has graced tables across continents.

Especially in countries lining the Mediterranean, Turkish Bread has been a constant. In Spain, I’ve enjoyed it with a side of rich and spicy chorizo. The bread’s softness perfectly complements the fiery sausage.

Moving eastward to Italy, Turkish Bread pairs beautifully with traditional antipasti. Drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled with some rosemary, and thrown on a grill, it transforms into a delightful accompaniment to cured meats and cheeses.

In Lebanon, Turkish Bread envelopes juicy shish taouk or gets loaded with vibrant veggies and tangy tahini. I’ve relished it in Dubai as a base for exotic toppings like za’atar and sumac, turning into a flatbread delicacy.

Asia, with its myriad flavours, hasn’t remained untouched by the charm of Turkish Bread either. In bustling markets of Bangkok, vendors use it as a base for their version of pizza, topped with local cheeses, herbs, and spices. And let’s not forget India, where it sometimes becomes a substitute for naan in kebab joints.

America painted a similar picture. In trendy cafes in New York, Turkish Bread has been a hit as avocado toast. Southwards in Mexico, loaded with spicy beans, fresh salsa, and dollops of sour cream.

What truly amazes me is how Turkish Bread maintains its essence while adapting to the taste profiles of various regions. Its mild flavour, soft texture, and slightly chewy crust make it an ideal canvas for a plethora of toppings and fillings.

Discovering the Health Benefits of Turkish Bread

When I embarked on my journey to better health, I began analysing the nutritional aspects of various foods. To my delight, Turkish Bread not only stood out in terms of taste but also health benefits.

Starting with the basics, the primary ingredient, plain flour, provides carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, contrary to some modern diets, are essential.

They are our body’s primary energy source, and Turkish Bread serves it in a balanced manner. Especially if you’re someone like me, who leads an active lifestyle, a slice or two can be the perfect energy booster.

Let’s not forget the addition of olive oil. I’ve often heard about the Mediterranean diet and its emphasis on olive oil. Rich in monounsaturated fats, it’s heart-healthy and is known to reduce bad cholesterol levels. Plus, it adds richness to the bread, making it moist and flavourful.

The yeast in Turkish Bread plays a role beyond just making the bread rise. It has its health perks. It’s a source of several B vitamins, essential for energy production.

I’ve also found that it aids in digestion. If you have a sensitive stomach like mine, Turkish Bread can be a more digestible option compared to others.

Moreover, the milk in the recipe contributes to the protein content, making it a well-rounded choice. The presence of calcium and vitamin D in milk also aids in bone health.

Considering all these factors, I found Turkish Bread to be not only a delightful culinary experience but also a wise choice for my well-being. Incorporating it into a balanced diet, paired with wholesome toppings or accompaniments, can truly add value to one’s health journey.

As always, moderation is key, and it’s essential to listen to one’s body. But for me, Turkish Bread has definitely earned its spot in my pantry.

The Art of Perfecting Turkish Bread at Home

I’ve always had a fascination with bread-making. There’s something incredibly therapeutic about kneading dough and watching it transform into a beautiful loaf. Among the various types of bread I’ve tried making,

Turkish Bread has been an absolute favourite. Its soft texture, coupled with a slightly crispy crust, makes it irresistible. Let me guide you on how I mastered the art of baking this bread at home.

Venturing into the world of Turkish Bread, I first ensured I had the right ingredients. High-quality plain flour makes a world of difference. It provides the bread with the desired softness.

The salt, an often-underestimated ingredient, balances out the flavour, ensuring the bread doesn’t taste too bland. Yeast, the magical component, aids in the bread rising, giving it that beautiful fluffy texture.

One of the things I quickly realized was the importance of warm water and milk. They activate the yeast, ensuring the dough rises well. There’s something absolutely mesmerizing about watching the dough double in size. It’s a testament to your patience and effort.

Olive oil, another crucial ingredient, provides a unique richness. I’ve often played around with the amount of olive oil, sometimes adding a tad more for that extra moistness.

When it came to the kneading process, I found that the more love and patience I put in, the better the results. A well-kneaded dough guarantees a soft bread interior. Plus, the process itself is incredibly calming.

I found joy in playing with toppings. A sprinkle of sesame seeds or a dash of za’atar before baking elevated the bread to a whole new level. Each bite became a flavour explosion.

A Culinary Journey: Pairing Turkish Bread with Global Delicacies

Bread, in its various forms, has been a staple in many cultures. But, what truly excites me is pairing these breads with delicacies from different cuisines. And Turkish Bread, with its neutral yet delightful taste, has proven to be the perfect canvas for my culinary experiments.

During my European explorations, I’ve enjoyed Turkish Bread with French cheeses. The bread’s soft interior, combined with the rich flavours of Brie or Camembert, is simply divine.

I’ve even experimented with layering slices of Italian prosciutto over it, drizzled with a balsamic reduction. The salty-sweet combination is one for the books.

Moving on to Asian flavours, I’ve used Turkish Bread as a base for a sushi-inspired treat. Topped with thin slices of fresh salmon, a dollop of wasabi mayo, and finished off with some pickled ginger, it’s a treat for the senses.

In the Americas, I’ve transformed Turkish Bread into a quick pizza base. Slathered with spicy Mexican salsa, topped with generous amounts of cheese, corn, and jalapeños, and baked to perfection, it’s a fusion dish that never disappoints.

The Middle Eastern flavours, too, complement Turkish Bread wonderfully. Think hummus, falafel, and pickled veggies, all piled high on a piece of this bread. It’s a match made in culinary heaven.

One of the things I’ve realized is that the neutral taste profile of Turkish Bread makes it versatile. It respects and uplifts the flavours of the toppings, ensuring every bite is harmonious.

Whether it’s European cheeses, Asian spices, or Middle Eastern condiments, Turkish Bread has been a trusty companion in my global culinary journey.

The Age-old Techniques Behind Making Turkish Bread

Turkish bread, with its rich history and unbeatable taste, has always been a staple on my kitchen table. But while enjoying its soft crumb and slightly chewy crust,

I often found myself pondering about the age-old techniques that go into making this marvel. So, I delved into the intricate art of crafting Turkish Bread and uncovered some fascinating details.

The first thing that stood out to me was the emphasis on the fermentation process.

Over the years, I learned that allowing the dough to rest and rise slowly ensures the soft, airy texture that Turkish Bread is renowned for. This unhurried fermentation also helps in developing a depth of flavour that’s hard to achieve in quick-rise bread.

Another technique that intrigued me was the method of baking. Traditionally, Turkish Bread was baked in stone ovens. These ovens, which retained heat, gave the bread its characteristic crispy crust.

The high temperature and even heat distribution ensured the bread was baked to perfection, with a golden exterior and fluffy inside.

I also discovered the importance of using high-quality ingredients. Olive oil, in particular, plays a crucial role. I realized that opting for a premium olive oil doesn’t just add richness; it also imparts a subtle fruity flavour to the bread, making it stand out.

Over time, I tried incorporating these age-old techniques into my baking. And while it took me a few tries, the end results were undeniably worth it. Every bite transported me to the bustling streets of Istanbul, with its rich history and vibrant culture.

Infusing Modern Twists into Traditional Turkish Bread

I’ve taken it upon myself to infuse modern touches into traditional recipes. Turkish Bread, while perfect in its original form, has been my canvas for some contemporary culinary experiments.

One of the first variations I tried was adding different seeds to the dough. Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and sunflower seeds not only enhanced the texture but also added a nutritional punch. The slightly nutty taste they imparted elevated the overall flavour profile of the bread.

Another twist I introduced was incorporating herbs into the dough. Fresh rosemary or thyme, finely chopped and kneaded into the bread, brought a refreshing touch to every slice. Paired with a bowl of hearty soup, it made for a comforting meal.

On the sweeter side of things, I experimented with turning Turkish Bread into a dessert. Post-baking, I drizzled the bread with honey, sprinkled some crushed pistachios, and served it with a dollop of Greek yoghurt. The balance of sweet and savoury was an instant hit among my friends and family.

To cater to the growing demand for gluten-free options, I even tried making Turkish Bread using almond flour and coconut flour. While the texture was slightly different, the taste was still reminiscent of the traditional version.

While I have immense respect for the traditional methods and recipes, these modern twists on Turkish Bread have allowed me to cater to diverse palates and dietary preferences. It’s a testament to the versatility of this age-old bread and its ability to adapt to contemporary tastes.

The Influence of Turkish Bread on My Culinary Adventures

I’ve dabbled in various cuisines and experimented with numerous recipes. But few have had as profound an impact on my cooking journey as the humble Turkish Bread. Its simplicity, versatility, and rich history have influenced many of my kitchen creations.

When I first came across Turkish Bread, I was struck by its unique texture – the soft inside contrasted beautifully with the slightly crusty outside. But as I delved deeper into its history, I learned about the nuances that go into its making, from the careful selection of ingredients to the meticulous baking techniques.

Inspired by Turkish Bread’s rich heritage, I began incorporating it into various dishes. Its neutral flavour made it a perfect base for a range of toppings. From Mediterranean mezze platters to Indian-spiced curries, the bread seamlessly complemented diverse flavours.

Beyond its versatility, Turkish Bread also taught me the importance of patience in baking. The slow fermentation process, allowing the yeast to work its magic, underscored the significance of giving dishes the time they need to come to fruition.

This lesson was invaluable, influencing how I approached other recipes in my culinary adventures.

Moreover, the bread’s emphasis on high-quality ingredients like premium olive oil and fresh yeast instilled in me a deeper appreciation for sourcing the best products. I soon found myself being more discerning in selecting ingredients for my other culinary experiments.

Turkish Bread was more than just a delightful dish for me. It became a teacher, guiding me through the intricacies of baking and the broader world of cooking.

Embracing the Simplicity and Beauty of Turkish Bread

In today’s world of gourmet dishes and intricate recipes, there’s something incredibly refreshing about the simplicity of Turkish Bread. Its minimalistic ingredient list and straightforward preparation have taught me the beauty of simplicity in the culinary world.

I still remember the first time I baked Turkish Bread. The list of ingredients was refreshingly short. Plain flour, yeast, salt, water, milk, and olive oil – that was all it took to create this masterpiece. But while the ingredients were simple, the process was filled with love and care.

The gentle kneading of the dough, allowing it to rest and rise, and the anticipation as it baked to golden perfection taught me the joy of the process. It wasn’t just about the end product; it was about the journey.

As I bit into my freshly baked bread, its soft texture and slightly crispy crust were a testament to the magic of simple ingredients. It made me reflect on how, in the quest for extravagant dishes, we often overlook the beauty of basics.

Embracing Turkish Bread’s simplicity also pushed me to experiment with other uncomplicated recipes. From basic pasta sauces to traditional soups, I started appreciating dishes that relied on quality ingredients and love rather than complexity.

In many ways, Turkish Bread became a symbol of what I aspire to achieve in my cooking – dishes that are simple yet soulful, relying on the authenticity of ingredients and the passion of the cook. It’s a reminder that sometimes, less truly is more.

Check Out These Other Recipes:

As I sat and savoured the soft, fluffy insides and crisp, golden exterior of my Turkish Bread, my culinary journey through Turkey didn’t end there. Let me whisk you away with tales of my other adventures.

Picture a morning when the fragrance of Garlic Naan enveloped my kitchen. It’s like the Turkish Bread’s distant cousin, and my, is it a delight with a dash of butter!

Then there were the mesmerizing Chicken Tenders, which reminded me of the busy streets of Istanbul, where tantalizing aromas wafted from bustling food stalls. With the same spirit, I delved into the realm of Turkish Chicken Wings, which were a fiery dance of flavours on my palate.

However, if you’re someone who’s got an affinity for the exotic, like I do, let Egg Shakshuka draw you in. Imagine soft, poached eggs bathing in a vibrant tomato sauce, begging to be mopped up by, you guessed it, a piece of crusty Turkish Bread.

And lastly, how could I forget the Keema Karahi? A medley of minced meat, sizzling in a fragrant blend of spices, waiting to be scooped up by hunks of warm bread.

So there you have it, my dear food lover. These are just snippets of my Turkish culinary sojourns. I urge you to try them, and when you do, leave me a note in the comments. Your feedback is the wind beneath my culinary wings! Dive in, and let’s continue this journey together.

Turkish Bread Recipe (1)

Turkish Bread

by Nabeela Kauser

Pillowy soft, fluffy, and just so good! This Turkish bread is known as bazlama and no flatbread recipe is quite like it. A side recipe that you will just have to have on your dinner table every time!

5 from 65 votes

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Prep Time 15 minutes mins

Cook Time 30 minutes mins

Resting Time 25 minutes mins

Total Time 1 hour hr 10 minutes mins

Course Side Dish

Cuisine Turkish

Servings 10 breads

Calories 230 kcal


  • 500 g Plain Flour
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tbsp Yeast
  • 150 ml Water Warm
  • 150 ml Milk
  • 3 tbsp Olive Oil


  • In a large bowl mix the flour with the salt and yeast

  • Add the oil, warm water, and milk to the bowl then knead until a dough is formed

  • Cover with a cloth and leave to rise for at least 30 minutes

  • Divide the dough into 6 equal parts and roll each piece into a dough ball

  • Roll out each dough ball to approximately 1cm thick

  • On a large crepe pan, cook the bread for a few minutes until bubbles start to form

  • Once bubbles form, flip over the bazlama and cook for a further few minutes

  • Remove from heat and brush with some butter or oil

  • Serve immediately alongside some hummus and enjoy!



Nutritional facts:

The provision of nutritional information is done merely as a courtesy and should not be taken as a guarantee.


Calories: 230kcalCarbohydrates: 39gProtein: 6gFat: 5gSaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 2mgSodium: 240mgPotassium: 81mgFibre: 1gSugar: 1gVitamin A: 25IUVitamin C: 0.001mgVitamin D: 0.2µgCalcium: 27mgIron: 2mg

Keyword Bazlama, Bread, Flatbread, Food, Recipe, Sides

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Turkish Bread Recipe (2024)


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